Design Underground System

设计一个check in 和check out 系统, 然后找出在两个地点所有id的平均时间差.

class UndergroundSystem {
    Map<Integer, String> checkIn; // <id, startStation t>
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> time; // <startStation, <endStation, total count>>
    public UndergroundSystem() {
        checkIn = new HashMap<>();
        time = new HashMap<>();
    public void checkIn(int id, String stationName, int t) {
        checkIn.putIfAbsent(id, "");
        checkIn.put(id, stationName+" "+t);
    public void checkOut(int id, String stationName, int t) {
        String[] strs = checkIn.get(id).split(" ");
        time.putIfAbsent(strs[0], new HashMap<String, String>());
        time.get(strs[0]).putIfAbsent(stationName, "0 0");
        String[] strs1 = time.get(strs[0]).get(stationName).split(" ");
        Integer total = Integer.valueOf(strs1[0]);
        Integer count = Integer.valueOf(strs1[1]);
        count += 1;
        total += (t - Integer.valueOf(strs[1]));
        time.get(strs[0]).put(stationName, total +" " + count);
    public double getAverageTime(String startStation, String endStation) {
        String[] strs = time.get(startStation).get(endStation).split(" ");
        Integer total = Integer.valueOf(strs[0]);
        Integer count = Integer.valueOf(strs[1]);
        return (double) total / count;

 * Your UndergroundSystem object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * UndergroundSystem obj = new UndergroundSystem();
 * obj.checkIn(id,stationName,t);
 * obj.checkOut(id,stationName,t);
 * double param_3 = obj.getAverageTime(startStation,endStation);